So I've finally taken some pictures to post up on the page! If you are interested in any or would like a custom piece leave a comment! These will likely all be going to Ellie Nellie's so let me know ASAP if you want one or else you'll have to go to the store! I'm looking into which online store I want to open shop in and will post that once I decide!
Hairlooms is a play on words. Made from heirlooms- the fact that these are all made with authentically antique buttons that I inherited from my Nana, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. They are made from some of my little family heirlooms into these cute accessories for your hair! Hence...Hairlooms! You can also wear them as a brooch on a scarf or jacket!
Prices vary according to the fabric used and time/ effort needed to create each unique piece. No two are alike as they are made from a limited supply of fabric.
I call these the Shimmer Hairlooms because the fabric has a slight shimmer. |
The Shimmers are made from a limited supply of material so no two are exactly alike. Because of the time involved in creating these they cost $10. They are approximately 2" in diameter.
Here are a few individuals!
Next up are the Vintage Hairlooms- made from cotton fabric. If you like one of these and it has already sold, I can more than likely make it again for you but many of the buttons I use are only 1-3 in supply therefore they may require a different button! They are 2" in diameter. $8
Next are the Felt Hairlooms. Made from felt, these have a much fuller thicker quality. They are the largest at about 3" in diameter and have brooch backings to be worn on a scarf or jacket! They are GREAT for Fall which is just around the corner! $10
Last, for now are the Mini Hairlooms. These are also made from cotton fabric and can be recreated if sold out. They are smaller- 1" - 1.5" and can be worn together or solo. They are also great for babies, toddlers.. and if you like to accessorize your poodle, them too. $5 or two for $8